Local Ladies offered Flowers to Hijab-clab Students oustside Kashmir University

Srinager, 14 February 2022,(KAT) : Local ladies on Monday offered flowers to hijab-clad students outside Kashmir University.

Reports Reaching—(Kashmir Abb Tak) that local ladies were seen waiting outside Kashmir University carrying flowers in their hands and they were offering the flowers to those students who had put on hijab.

Hijab controversy has erupted in Indian southern state of Karnatka where a lesser-known Hindu outfit is demanding a ban on the hijab in schools and colleges. The matter has gone to court.

It also Said that, one of the ladies part of the group distributing flowers said that nobody has the right to decide about one’s attire. “Hijab is our choice and nobody can force and dictate us what we should wear or eat. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) has maintained that women should wear veil and not mingle with men,” she said.

Earlier, in South Kashmir’s Shopian district, a protest in support of hijab had erupted—(KAT)

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