Jammu, January 23(GNS) Police on Thursday said that in a landmark move under the BNS (New Criminal Laws), Jammu Police’s maiden initiative in Police Station Jhajjar Kotli has led to the conviction of two individuals, Pappu and Anuj Kumar, for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. The Honble 3rd Additional Munsif Court,JMIC of Jammu delivered the verdict today, marking a progressive step towards reformative justice.
In a handout to GNS, the police said that the incident took place on January 22, 2025, within the jurisdiction of the Jhajjar Kotli Police Station, where the two accused were found intoxicated and creating a public disturbance. They were promptly arrested, subjected to a medical examination, and presented before the CJM.
According to police spokesman, rather than imposing traditional imprisonment, the court opted for community service as a corrective measure. Pappu has been directed to work at the Jhajjar Kotli Public Park from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM daily for one week, while Anuj Kumar will perform community service during the same hours at CHC Dansal.
This provision under the new criminal laws emphasizes rehabilitation and community engagement for minor offenses, promoting reform over punishment. The effort by Jammu Police demonstrates a shift toward a more constructive approach in addressing public misdemeanors, setting a precedent for similar cases in the future, reads the statement.(GNS)
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