Fresh Weather Forecast for next 24 hours J&K


Weather Alert

Under the influence of an active Western Disturbance, widespread rain/snow is expected in Jammu and Kashmir between Thursday and Friday.

The spell is expected to begin from Thursday afternoon, starting from higher reaches, and then extending into plains by evening.

There is a possibility of snowfall in Shopian plains (50 - 60% chance). Also, snowfall in surrounding plains can't be ruled out. Snowfall is also expected in elevations above 2000 m.

Snowfall isn't expected in Srinagar as per the current conditions.

Note: The Forecast is in the monitoring stage and can change in the next 24 hrs. Early Forecast has been issued just to warn farmers regarding the upcoming event.

Persistence of a heavy spell of rain in Shopian plains can lead the precipitation to change into all-snow. Maximum chances of snowfall, for plains, remain for Shopian district, followed by Kulgam district.

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