SSP Baramulla hosts public interaction at Palhallan

Palhallan, 4 February 2023,(KAT) : Baramulla police conducted a public interaction program at Palhalan Pattan chaired by SSP Baramulla. The public interaction was also attended by SDPO Pattan Shri Mohammad Nawaz-JKPS, SHO PS Pattan Inspector Sarjan Ahmad, IC PP Palhallan, IC PP Wussan and staff of sub division Pattan. Public from all corners of Palhallan, Pattan, Wussan, Mirgund and other adjoining areas including respectable citizens, social/ sports/ cultural activists, Moulvis & Imams, traders & transporters attended the public interaction. 

On the occasion, participants highlighted various issues of public importance, and they were assured that their genuine grievances pertaining to Police will be resolved on priority and that of civil administration will be taken up with the concerned departments for their early redressal. 

While speaking on the occasion, it was reiterated that policing at grassroot level in the district would be revamped to enhance proficiencies of the cops and to develop confidence among the people. 

Public Interaction is a bridge between Police and Public and also to hear and redress the grievances of common masses. Referring to the criminal activities in the area, it was stressed upon the officers/ general public to brace up with a missionary spirit to fight against drug abuse and eradicate other social evils from the society and to take a pledge to serve the society with missionary spirit and maintain the dignity of force.

The event was concluded with the vote of thanks from both sides. 

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