Dr Shriram Nene on actress-wife Madhuri Dixit: Meeting her was refreshing; she was very down-to-earth - Kashmir Live Updates


Dr Shriram Nene, in an earlier interview with ETimes, had lauded the Indian government’s efforts in handling the coronavirus outbreak that resulted in a lockdown in 2020. Since then, the 


 has been hit by a second wave of the outbreak and it has the doctor worried. Speaking exclusively to ETimes, he observes, “Two things happened in India--pandemic fatigue drove people out of their homes when the numbers came down, and newer, more contagious strains of the virus infected people”. He reveals that he is doing everything in his capacity to assist the government, hospitals, and care providers to come out of this. “We are also trying our best to disseminate appropriate information to the media. We have to tackle the problem by following basic protocols to contain the spread of the virus. Right now, we are completely sequestered at home and taking 


 to avoid outside contact as much as possible,” he informs.

Just before the second wave brought life to a standstill again the Dixit-Nenes had been on a holiday in the Maldives. Ask him what prompted the trip and the doctor points out that it was planned in advance when the number of cases across the country was on the decline. “Additionally, we took extra precautions before the trip; took the Covid test within 72 hours of boarding the flight and again, after landing there. The actual bungalows in which we stayed were distant from each other, so there was no question of coming in contact with others. The staff was all wearing masks. Then we also got tested before we came back to the country,” he reassures. Their social media feed documented the adventures they had in the island nation, including a romantic dinner with soft waves lapping at their feet. “It was after a long time that we were able to let our hair down. Both Madhuri and I were taken by the splendid sight of the moonlit beach and decided to have some dinner by the sea,” smiles Dr Nene.

Point out that last year, with no such dates to go on, the two of them had recorded a video for her single, ‘Candle’ that was an ode to frontline workers and he recalls how he learned lighting and angles from YouTube. “I also called up Madhuri’s industry friends, who are also my friends, to get their opinion on how to handle things. Fortunately, she had gifted me a camera on my birthday earlier that year, so we had the equipment to shoot. For me, the best part was getting to learn a whole lot about photography and making films. I was always interested in it but had never done it professionally,” he laughs.

However, this was not his first brush with the camera. Apart from his medical seminars and talks, he also faces the camera for his channel. Does Madhuri, who celebrates her birthday today, help him with pre-shooting jitters? “She's very humble; but 35 years into her journey, she has got everything nailed and knows exactly what the lighting angle should be and how I am placed. She knows that I'm a bit crazy and funky, and can really make someone laugh, so, she tells me to be my natural self in front of the camera. It is really easy to do so with her guidance and confidence. We have also done pieces together where we played off each other’s energy,” relays Dr Nene, adding that as long as the format is not fictional, he is comfortable with the camera. “I'm still not used to directors shouting cut and asking me to turn it around. I am not an actor and I don’t intend to start now,” he chuckles.

While he is trying his hands at being in front of the camera, he has also stood by his actress-wife as she makes a comeback in the industry after a break. Point this out and Dr Nene insists that they complete each other's equation. “When I was in Denver, practicing as a heart surgeon and working a ridiculous 100-hour week, she was taking care of the big-ticket items like kids, house--everything. We always had a partnership and have been very supportive of each other. Sometimes all it takes in a relationship is saying, ‘Yes, honey,’ to what she wants,” he laughs. What does he think of her comeback? “I am proud of her. This is her passion; she has nothing more to prove to anyone. As she says, this is not a competition for her anymore. She gets offered a lot of projects but takes up roles only when they are incredibly cool. She is happy and content with what she does and appreciates the numerous opportunities for women now. She is really happy about how women have come up in the industry,” he relays.

Around the time they got married, the Indian media went into a tizzy on finding out that he didn’t know of her body of work. “I didn’t grow up watching her stuff, because I couldn't speak Hindi. I grew up in LA and practiced and trained at UCLA, where they put on their pants one leg at a time. Hers was a completely different world. Meeting her was refreshing; she was a normal person and very down-to-earth,” he reminisces, adding that despite their obviously different backgrounds, they still found common ground. “Madhuri and I are both Maharashtrians and have similar middle-class upbringing. She might have changed gears and got into the film industry but it was only after completing her education, and she's, she's very, very smart. So we make for a very good combination. What really impresses me is how well our kids have turned out. I give her the credit for it because she's very patient, and loving, as a mother. When we're in career mode, we're focused, disciplined people, who respect everyone, but we always prioritise family and friends”.

Given that their kids, Arin and Ryan, are often seen playing musical instruments, one wonders who do they take after. Dr Nene laughs, “My older guy is applying for colleges. The interesting part is, he loves math, physics, economics, and also theater and music at the same time. He's a natural actor and a good musician. He's thinking about doing a physics major with a theater minor. The younger one is inclined towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics but also plays the drums, tabla, and piano,” he reveals, pointing out how, for his parents, who were first-generation immigrants to the US, his becoming a doctor was critical. “My dad was the first person in his family to be educated. He was a gold medalist and had got a scholarship to Imperial College. He taught us early on that education is the only thing that matters in the end, because it levels the playing field,” he recalls.

“To answer your question, Madhuri and I have been very particular about imparting our skill sets to Arin and Ryan, so, they're a nice mix of both of us. As complex as life is, in the next 10 years, Artificial Intelligence may wipe out most jobs, so it's very important to learn about different areas. I'm thrilled to see where the journey leads them, and hope they become nice young men--that’s the father in me speaking,” he smiles.

While on the topic of nice young men, Dr Nene points out that the only way to ensure that they turn out to be responsible and well-behaved sensitive men is to lead by example. “They're watching everything you do and learning from how you behave. As a parent, you have to be respectful, tone down everything, to make sure that you give them what they need. It’s not an equation or a cookbook; different children are driven by different things. You identify that kernel of a superpower and build it up. During the pandemic, the kids have also learned to step up; this is their World War. Every generation has some event like this, right?”

The healthcare professional goes on to add that after the tough year that we have had, there’s a need to change tactics. “We should be building bigger tables so we can break bread together than building bigger houses. We made it through together so far but we still have further to go. I encourage people to be smart and take the outbreak seriously until we don't have to,” he signs off.

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