➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Srinagar 15 July (JKON): Summer vacations and leaves sanctioned to the staff members of SKIMS stand cancelled in view of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
It is communicated to all faculty and staff members of the SKIMS that in view of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all leaves of any kind sanctioned to the staff members except leave sanctioned on medical grounds/maternity leave shall stand cancelled.
Summer vacation of all departments w.e.f 16.07.2020 to 29.07.2020(Ist half) and 01.08.2020 to 14.08.2020 (2nd half) stand cancelled. As such it is impressed upon all the faculty and staff members to remain available at their places of positing in their respective departments.
Issued through Assistant Director (Public Relations) SKIMS (JKON).