Srinagar, June 16: Authorities in Anantnag on Tuesday placed under suspension a doctor, a day after he allegedly refused to treat a patient without wearing a mask at a health facility in the south Kashmir district.
The order was passed by deputy commissioner Anantnag after a complaint by a person who telephoned him at 10:30 p.m., alleging that the doctor on duty at PHC Saidiwara namely Dr. Nlsar Ahmad did not attend his ailing daughter on the pretext that they were not wearing face masks. The doctor allegedly refused to examine the patient despite “emergency.”
“The refusal of the doctor is beyond medical ethics. The doctor instead of refusing the patient should have provided mask or else asked the patient to cover her mouth with a cloth, but refusing the medical examination when it is needed utmost Is criminal on part of the doctor,” reads the order, a copy of which lies with GNS. “The doctor has endangered the life of patient, which is unbecoming of the public servant especially a doctor,” the order said.
Taking all the facts in consideration, the deputy commission ordered suspension of Dr. Nlsar Ahmad, Medical Officer, PHC Saidiwara for “dereliction of duties.” He has been attached with Chief Medical Officer, Kulgam with immediate effect.
“Chief Medical Officer, Kulgam shall conduct an enquiry into the matter and furnish a detailed report within 5 days positively,” reads the order. The Block Medical Officer, Qazigund has been also asked to put in place a revised roaster for PHC Saidiwara “so that people do not suffer.” (GNS)